Interesting news article
Jenna Bush Becomes a Marine...
At a press conference in Washington yesterday, Presidential daughter Jenna Bush announced that she has enlisted to serve in the United States Marine Corp. While she hadn't previously spoken of career plans that included the military, she said that her support for the war and recent recruiting difficulties led to her decision.
“I’ve come to realize that stories and pictures of me being care-free and partying while the sons and daughters of other Americans fight my father’s war may be sending a bad message. By enlisting, I hope to boost support for the troops, and encourage other young conservatives to join the effort.
Ms. Bush, 24, then answered questions from reporters, even cracking some jokes at the expense of her father, President Bush. “Hopefully all my records won’t get lost or shredded like my dad’s,” she laughed.News of her enlistment caught many by surprise, including some in the President's inner circle. A senior administation official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, "I don't think anyone expected this. I mean, it's not like we expect a lot out the Bushes, but Jenna is especially worthless...unless you own a bar in one of the twelve states they call home."
Jenna’s Grandmother, former first lady Barbara Bush, issued a statement from the family home in Kennebunkport, “This makes me proud of Jenna, and I’m encouraging my other grandchildren to do the same. When it comes to examples of people stepping up and pitching in like a commoner, I want Americans to think of us Bushes.”
There were no details about when and where she will train and serve. A spokesman said any further information that can be shared will be announced at a later date.
At 2:50 PM, August 18, 2005, Andrew Oh-Willeke said…
At 4:54 PM, August 18, 2005, Samantha Veronica said…
thanks, mister.
At 12:11 PM, August 23, 2005, Anonymous said…
Thanks for getting this inspirational good news out. It's not difficult to believe that the sour-puss censors in the liberal media are trying to ignore this story. Keep up the brave work.
At 11:07 AM, August 24, 2005, Anonymous said…
I would not expect that she will actually serve active duty over in Iraq or Afghanistan, or where ever else we end up by the time she's done with boot camp.
She will probably end up with a nice safe stateside assignment, leaving some other poor schmuck to take her place in the dangerous spots. I suppose that it's nice that she made the effort, though.
At 4:31 PM, August 24, 2005, Anonymous said…
Wow. Commoners huh? What a bitch!
And she is right, you know. This is her Father's war. Or maybe granddaddy's war.
At 10:18 PM, August 27, 2005, Anonymous said…
Do you really think they'll send her to Iraq? HA!
At 8:56 AM, September 09, 2005, Anonymous said…
Semper Fi Do or Die
hoo Ra
At 7:50 PM, October 03, 2005, Anonymous said…
You provided a link drudge???? That's not exactly stellar reporting there... Isn't it wierd that there isn't one google hit?
WTF? Do you self-described wingnuts just make up news to protect yourselves from the horror of your mistakes?
Not that she shouldn't... And you, Samantha Veronica Bacon, shouldn't believe every website you read.
At 7:52 PM, October 03, 2005, Anonymous said…
Man I'm so confused... Sorry I really feel like everything has gone from surreal to fantasmagorical (as one poster at Eschaton put it).
Uhh.. I need sleep now. That is all.
At 8:46 PM, October 12, 2005, Douglas Hoffman said…
Is It Stinky,
I think you are cute. I dig girls with braces. I think anonymous needs to develop a sense of humor.
Your new friend,
At 6:59 AM, November 07, 2005, Anonymous said…
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